The Filipina Perspective
What Are They Really Thinking?
A while back I wrote an article about the Filipina perspective and how though we foreigners have a lot to say about our Filipina partners, very few Filipinas come out publicly and tell their side of the story. Yes men, there are two sides, lol. At first I tried to convince my wife Shirley that sharing her experiences and thought about being in a relationship with a foreigner could be extremely beneficial to both foreigners and other Filipinas. After several weeks of patiently waiting for something from her, it became clear that she was not going to bring those thoughts out in public. I had to respect her decision but to this day, I have to admit that what she, or other Filipinas in interracial relationships with foreign men, feel, experience and think. I suspect that most of the men who like me are in a relationship with a Filipina, are probably in the same position. If we are truthful, we will admit that it is hard enough to understand the other sex from our own culture, but then throw in the added difficulty that our women are from a culture alien to us, and the results can be frustrating at the least and disastrous at the worst.
Why Should I Care about the Filipina Perspective?
I know that some of you men may simply not care, but I willing to bet there are more men like me who understand that to have the truly great relationship we have always dreamed of, we must first accept they are different then try to understand and adapt to those differences. The spin off benefit is that maybe some other Filipinas will read her articles and be able to relate, understanding that they are far from alone in the frustrations, challenges, and yes joy they too face.
Well I am happy to announce that we have found that special Filipina that is willing to step up to the plate and let us men get a glimpse of what it is like from the other side of the Filipina Foreigner relationship phenomenon.
I would now like to introduce to you Yuri, a Filipina from Cebu who has been married to an American for several years now and is currently living with him in the U.S.