Filipina Immigrant Homesickness can be a Major Problem Though not the road my wife and I took, many Foreigner – Filipina couples choose to live in the home country of the foreign partner. For those Filipino immigrants settling in a new land, I have always assumed that there must be some difficult challenges they face. […]
Those Awesome Remote Tropical Islands of The Philippines A Nice Place to Visit, but maybe not a great place to live? I believe most people who have moved to the Philippines are like me and probably visited here a few times before deciding to settle here permanently. Myself, I vacationed in the Philippines numerous times […]
Philippines Election Filipinos have Spoken Loud and Clear The Philippine election is over and there is a new, as yet unclear direction that this country I now call home is heading in. Due to laws barring foreigners from getting involved in elections in any form, I like many foreign expats in the Philippines have had […]
Creepy Crawly Pests Not the place to be if you are Squeamish about Pests Having grown up and lived most of my life in Canada, where the cold harsh climate half the year keeps most manner of small pests in check, I have had to adapt to a different reality now that I live in […]
Why I am Lucky ! Several years ago I made a huge decision that would turn my life upside down forever change the world I live in. I pulled out all roots to the country and life I had lived in for over 5 decades and made a move to the Philippines. After living here […]
English in the Philippines English Speaking Expats do not feel the Isolation here that they would in Other Asian Countries That most locals can speak or understand some English in the Philippines is probably the second most attractive benefit of moving to this country, besides the chance to have a great relationship with a beautiful […]